
Bastille Day!

This is my gargoyle.
He is mine.
I painted him a couple years ago not knowing that I would ever meet him in real life.
But I saw him!

I was excited

To say the least.

The many faces of gargoyles

We're cute.

It's like Where's Waldo, except it's Where's the Bride and Groom!
They aren't hard to find.
But they are really cute nevertheless.

At this point in time a very unfortunate thing happened.
My camera battery died.
So the rest of this day was documented by borrowed pictures.

We saw the bell of Notre Dame (the one that the Hunchback of Notre Dame must've rung) and it was huge!!!
The thickness of the metal was probably thicker than I am.
It was a very large bell.

Then we ran down the never-ending stairs to the bottom and made our way over to the Arc de Triomphe.
It probably had the best view of all of Paris.

After the Arc we went to stake out a spot on the field in front of the Eiffel Tower for the fireworks!!
It was pretty packed.
But Amazing!

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