
Let it fill your soul...

Artists are selfish. I'm not implying that artists hide their art from the world, or that they don't work at or use their talent as they should; I'm only saying that the art is usually created for the enjoyment of the artist. I wouldn't paint if I went blind, or sing if I couldn't hear. Why did Beethoven continue to compose after he went deaf?

I can't even begin to explain how excited I was when I found out that we had tickets to see the London Symphony play Beethoven's 9th in St. Paul's Cathedral. Beethoven is not only one of my favorite composers because of his beautiful music but also the depth and the feeling and the background behind each piece he creates. It never ceases to amaze me to think about the fact that Beethoven was completely deaf by the time he wrote this piece, and when it was first performed he had to be turned around to face the crowd to see the applause. He couldn't hear a sound, yet he created this beautiful music to honor his God and share with the world.

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