
Things I learned on my first day:

1. Whoever said London was cold and rainy was misinformed. Or maybe I just brought the CA sunshine :)

If they weren't dying of heatstroke in those fluffy hats at the changing of the guard, I would be shocked.

2. Pay attention to signs.
I never realized how often I just look to my left and start walking... bad idea in London.

3. Harrods is ridiculously expensive.

There was a 200 Pounds and under rack.
If I bought a shirt for 300 Dollars it would not be on a rack.
It would be hanging in a frame for goodness sake.

Also, I bought a 12 dollar milkshake.

Don't judge.
4. Fountains are nice to stick your feet in.

---Unless you drop your sock in the water.

soggy socks are no fun.


Sidewalk chalk



just for


6. Watch for falling objects.
Yes, a bird pooped on my head.

Lessons learned, ready for more adventures tomorrow :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Glad to see you made it in one piece. Love your pics especially the ones of Henry. Keep your pictures coming. It's wonderful to see u having a great time.

    susan ralston (p.s. we miss u.)
